

Second Safe fue creado para ofrecer un nuevo nivel de seguridad a los oficiales de la ley, reduciendo la probabilidad de disparos accidentales o negligentes. Su misión es eliminar muertes y lesiones accidentales con armas de fuego, proporcionando tranquilidad y asegurando que los oficiales regresen a casa con sus familias.


Un mensaje para todos nuestros compañeros agentes de la ley y sus familias. A lo largo de mis treinta años de servicio en la policía y viajando al extranjero, lamentablemente he presenciado múltiples disparos accidentales y negligentes con un arma de fuego. Nos dimos cuenta de que no había una solución viable para reducir drásticamente la probabilidad de un disparo accidental mientras se está activo en el campo.

Second Safe se creó para ofrecer el siguiente nivel de seguridad para USTED, proporcionando tranquilidad a cada oficial activo en el campo. Tranquilidad de que su arma es segura, mientras sigue estando lista para el campo. Tranquilidad de saber que regresa a casa con sus seres queridos. El recordatorio diario de regresar a casa con nuestras familias es la razón por la que nos dedicamos a proporcionar la solución a los disparos accidentales.


AD Casino 2-9-21

AD Escape Arrets 2-8-21

Militar se le escapa un tiro y mata a compañero mientras patrullaban las calles de Nuevo Laredo

Nuevo Laredo Tamaulipas.- Un militar murió de un balazo que recibió por la espalda, el disparo fue realizado por otro elemento castrense cuando iban patrullando en una camioneta de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional.El soldado Leonel Felipe Pérez García falleció por la herida de bala, que entró en el costado izquierdo trasero –espalda- con trayectoria de abajo hacia arriba y salida a la altura del hombro izquierdo.

Se recuperó una ojiva calibre 7.62×51, usada por los Fusiles de Asalto Ligero que portan los elementos de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional.

Al militar fallecido se le realizó prueba de rodizonato de sodio –para establecer si el accionó el arma- y un examen antidoping, en ambos salió negativo. Debido a que su uniforme estaba mojado en su sangre, no fue posible hacer la prueba de Walker para saber la distancia del disparo.

Las primeras investigaciones de las autoridades militares establecen que el soldado se encontraba parado en la caja de la patrulla de SEDENA y a que alguno de sus compañeros, que iba sentado se le “fue” un disparo, hiriéndolo de muerte.

El militar fue llevado por sus compañeros al Hospital San José, donde murió por la gravedad de las heridas internas.

“No es posible que el personal militar se dispare accidentalmente, cuando andan patrullando y apuntando hacia las personas, poniendo en riesgo a las familias neolaredenses” denunció un ciudadano que estaba afuera del Hospital San José, cuando llegaron los soldados con su compañero herido.
Aunque se trató de un disparo “accidental”, los militares implementaron durante la madrugada del martes, un operativo de seguridad para “resguardar” el hospital, aunque su compañero ya estaba muertoFuente frontera al rojo vivo#𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐄𝐣𝐞𝐌𝐞𝐱


John Doe

Jane Doe

John Doe


1.) Isabella Safe, LLC (the “Company”)...

Isabella Safe, LLC (the “Company”) warrants to the original consumer (the “Purchaser”) of any Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product to be free from manufacturing defects in workmanship and materials for the life of the product and the limited-lifetime warranty is not assignable or transferable to any other person.

2.) Any amount of damage to the Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product...

Any amount of damage to the Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product or to components of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product as a result of abuse, mishandling, neglect, tampering, misuse, improper installation, accidental, modification, destruction, unauthorized service, the alteration of the serial number, or misuse or violation of the instructions provided by Isabella Safe (the “Company”) will void this warranty. This also applies for returns within (30) days of the original purchase.

3.) Isabella Safe, LLC (the “Company”) is not liable for...

Isabella Safe, LLC (the “Company”) is not liable for any consequential or incidental damage to the product or the products host caused by misuse or violation of the instructions provided by Isabella Safe (the “Company”). Isabella Safe is not liable for any consequential or incidental damage due to a manufacturers defect or caused by natural wear and tear of the product. Wear and Tear is classified as damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal use or aging. Isabella Safe (the “Company”) is not subject to a replacement or refund of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product to the original consumer (the “Purchaser”) as a result of normal wear and tear. Isabella Safe (the “Company”) here by warrants a replacement or refund to the original consumer (the “Purchaser”) as a result of a manufacturers defect. Replacement or refund will be subject to verification by Isabella Safe (the “Company”) and its (Sole Discretion) of said product damaged by manufacturers defect.

4.) The original consumer (the “Purchaser”) is responsible for...

The original consumer (the “Purchaser”) is responsible for maintenance of the Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product in accordance with Isabella Safe (the “Company”) guidelines for maintenance as provided below:

The life of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) Product is equal to (1) year or (1,000) trigger pulls (whichever comes first) and thereafter requires replacement purchase to ensure proper function of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product. The life of the springs within the Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product are equal to (1) year or (1,000) trigger pulls (whichever comes first) and thereafter requires replacement purchase of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product to ensure proper function.

5.) Contact the company directly to obtain service under this warranty...

Contact the company directly to obtain service under this warranty. A return authorization number must first be obtained from the company. Products shipped without a prior Return Authorization and Return Authorization Number may not be accepted, and the Company will not be responsible for the cost associated of return to the owner. In order to obtain service under this warranty, the purchaser must provided the Company with: (1) Proof of Purchase and (2) Original Invoice.

6.) The company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or...

The company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage, losses or expense arising from the use or misuse of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product. The user(s) assume all risk when using and installing this product onto the firearm. At NO time should the user(s) or potential user(s) of the firearm be under the influence of any altering substances. This includes but is not limited to: Alcohol, Legal or Illegal Prescription Drugs, Drowsiness, Exhaustion or Sleep Deprivation.

7.) The purchaser has up to (30) days from the date of purchase to...

 The purchaser has up to (30) days from the date of purchase to return the item (free from damage and subject to verification by Isabella Safe) for a full refund. The Company is not liable for shipping costs associated with a return item. The purchaser must contact the Company prior to the return to collect a Return Authorization Number. The purchaser must provide: Proof of Purchase and Original Invoice to process the return within (30) days of original purchase.

8.) The Company will not assume...

The Company will not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred while shipping.

9.) The Company will ship purchase(s)...

The Company will ship purchase(s) within (5) business days from original date of purchase.

10.) Isabella Safe (the “Company”) does not guarantee to...

Isabella Safe (the “Company”) does not guarantee to completely eliminate the probability of an accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm. Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product is not intended to replace the primary safety on the firearm, if applicable. The purpose of Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product is to REDUCE the probability of an accidental or negligent discharge and the user(s) of the Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product assumes all risk and here by excludes liability from Isabella Safe (the “Company”) in the event of an accidental or negligent discharge of a firearm resulting in damage, injury or death.

By using Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product, the original consumer (the “purchaser”) and any other user of the Isabella Safe (Second Safe) product agrees to the terms and conditions provided above.

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Phoenix, AZ, USA